
Choosing the right zoo booking software is all-important to streamline operations, raise guest satisfaction, and grow ticket sales. But selecting the best management software can take some time. And getting caught in common pitfalls can be expensive.

So we hope to help you with this guide. Here, you will uncover the 7 most common mistakes that operators make when choosing a zoo booking system.

You don't want to miss any of these!  

Mistake 1: Not Assessing Specific Needs

know what your zoo needs to run smoother
Find out what your zoo needs to be more efficient.

Before diving into the sea of available zoo management software, it's very important to first understand what your zoo needs.

  1. Does the zoo software support various ticket types such as timed entries, group bookings, and general admission tickets - easing purchasing?
  2. Can the zoo management system make it easy to assign guides and staff to specific tours or events - making operations run smoother?
  3. Can it broadcast messages to keep customers up to date with news, promotions, and tour reminders?
  4. Are there any features that make everyday operations easier, like automated reporting, easy scheduling, and quick check-ins?
  5. How does the zoo ticketing software deal with peak traffic and big bookings without slowing down or complicating the user experience?

Overlooking these factors can lead to choosing a system that's either too basic or overly complex for your needs.

So start by listing all your business needs. And try using this as a checklist when analyzing zoo management software options.

Book your free zoo ticketing system demo here.

Mistake 2: Overlooking User Experience

software user experience on mobile and tablets
Make sure your zoo ticketing software looks great on all devices, from phones to tablets.

You should think about the user experience (UX) of your zoo booking system too. A system that’s hard to use can frustrate users. And may lead to lower ticket sales and bad reviews.

Consider these.

  • Is the interface simple and easy to use, so new users (especially your team) can start using it right away?
  • Does the ticketing software work seamlessly across devices, like mobiles and tablets?
  • Are there any features that let you customize the software to fit your needs?

Check to see if the zoo software has a clean, intuitive interface for selling, booking, and managing tickets. Analyze the entire journey a customer takes from online discovery to checkout. Smooth, straightforward transactions make for a great booking experience.

Here's how to improve your zoo's online reputation with TicketingHub.

Mistake 3: Ignoring Integration Capabilities

Zoo management relies on several systems, from customer relationship management (CRM) tools to financial software.

A common mistake that zoo owners make is choosing zoo ticketing software that doesn't work with their other systems. Lack of integration can lead to slow operations and errors.

To help you asses, check out these most common third-party integrations to look for in an online ticketing platform:

  1. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - Manages customer information, tracks interactions, and personalizes marketing efforts.
  2. Financial Systems - Link invoicing, budget tracking, and financial reporting with accounting and financial software.
  3. OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) - Connects with cloud-based platform travel agencies like TripAdvisor, Expedia, and to sell more tickets.
  4. POS (Point of Sale) Systems - Integrates with POS systems to facilitate on-site sales, manage inventory, and synchronize sales data.
  5. Hardware Solutions - Work with hardware such as turnstiles, ticketing kiosks, and barcode scanners for a smooth entry process.
  6. Payment Gateways - Provides on-site and online ticket purchase options with multiple payment gateways.
  7. Social Media Platforms - Integrates directly with social media channels for bookings and marketing.
  8. Email Marketing Tools - Sends promotional campaigns and tracks engagement using email marketing.
  9. Analytics and Reporting Tools - Provides insights into sales trends, visitor demographics, and campaign effectiveness to assist strategic decision-making.
  10. Workforce Management Systems - Handles employee shifts, payroll, and HR requirements in sync with staff scheduling systems.

Remember to check compatibility before choosing your ticketing software. A seamless data sharing experience makes things easier and gives you a better overview of your zoo business - all in one system.

See TicketingHub's Integrations

Mistake 4: Compromising on Scalability

increase in sales and revenue
Choose software that grows with your zoo, so you can add services and visitors as you go.

The zoo software that fits your needs today might not suffice tomorrow. As your zoo grows, your software has to grow too.

Whether you plan to get more visitors, add new attractions, or expand digitally, your ticketing software should handle all these changes without any hiccups.


Mistake 5: Slacking on Support and Training

good customer support and training
Read real reviews to learn how vendors support their zoo software users.

Even the best zoo software can become a problem without good support and training. You need full vendor support and training to ensure your team gets the most out of the new software.

So check how the vendor supports its customers. See their response times, availability, and quality of customer support. Ensure that there is ample training to help your staff get up to speed fast.

Mistake 6: Not Considering Security and Compliance

cybersecurity is a real issue that zoos should consider
Cybersecurity matters: Make sure customer transactions are secure.

Data security is a big deal right now. Hence, find software that offers solid security features to protect sensitive information, such as customer and transaction data.

Check for features such as SSL certificates, data encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways. And to avoid legal penalties, make sure the provider follows data protection laws like GDPR compliance.

TicketingHub for instance secures each online booking with SSL. Moreover, we work with only trusted payment processors like SumUp, PayPal, and Stripe. These help our clients deliver secure transactions on the cloud.

Ignoring these factors can lead to trust and legal issues. Verify that your booking management software provider meets all industry standards and laws.

Talk with us for your zoo ticketing needs!

Mistake 7: Failing to Demo the Software Thoroughly

Demos can help you get a better look at the compatibility of the software with your system.

Finally, always demo your software before buying. Hands-on trials allow you to see the software in action and get a feel for how it'll work for you.

During the demo, run common scenarios to see how well the software handles them. For instance, see how the system manages peak booking periods, data entry processes, and any unique cases your zoo may have.

A Final Note

Selecting the right zoo booking software takes some thought. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can choose a system that helps you run more efficiently, improve visitor satisfaction, and sell more tickets. So don't rush vetting on your potential management software solutions. And choose one that goes with your zoo's long-term goals.

Zoo Ticketing is a Breeze with TicketingHub!

Don’t let the complexities of choosing the right software put you off. If you're considering a new zoo booking system, reach out for a demo with TicketingHub today and get started changing how visitors experience your zoo!

companies that ticketinghub works with

FAQ Section

1. How can dynamic pricing and inventory management help our zoo make more money?

Dynamic pricing structures allow you to tweak ticket prices based on demand, special events, or member access. This way you can maximize revenue during peak times and off-peak times.

Effective inventory management lets you make sure tickets, memberships, and educational programs are always available, so you don't overbook.

Together, they simplify operations and help zoos make data-driven decisions that get you more sales and make guests happier.

2. What do we need in a ticketing system to improve the visitor experience at our zoo or aquarium?

Look for a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for guests to purchase tickets, memberships, and access educational programs.

Check if the system includes a CRM solution to manage customer data and create custom marketing. Self-service kiosks can also help zoos enhance the customer experience by cutting down on wait times and making tickets easier to get. It'll make serving your visitors easier and more satisfying.

3. Can integrating an online store and season passes into our ticketing system help us achieve our business goals?

Having an online store in your zoo ticketing system simplifies retail and ticket sales. And it makes resource management simpler too.

Offering season passes can help you get repeat business and build a loyal fan base, boosting revenues. Additionally, good reporting features can help you make smart informed decisions. With it, your guests can have a better zoo experience and help you reach your revenue potential.


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